To the Son of Peace website
There is only one truth. His name is Jesus, the Christ. Jesus Himself said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’ John the Baptist told his admirers, ‘A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven.’ In order words, he could only give out what he had received from heaven.
Peace in Hebrew means wholeness, completeness, safety, prosperity, rest, harmony or full redemption.
Thank you.
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New Publication
By Solomon Aggrey

Following His Glory
If a believer says I decree and I declare, he/she should be very careful where he/she stands. No believer can decree and declare and have it come to pass unless the decree and the declaration has a governmental authority and power behind them. ‘I decree and declare’ is not just an additive to make prayers or prophesies meaningful or powerful, but an echo of God’s counsel from His throne. We should be very careful, decreeing without heavenly governmental backing. Now, let us try to define open heaven.
New Publication
By Solomon Aggrey
God called Abram out of the Ur of the Chaldees when he was worshipping idols, to get out of his country, family and move to the land of Canaan. God promised to bless him, and make his name great and that through him all the families of the earth would be blessed. Abram obeyed and went with his wife and nephew, Lot. At that time the gene pool of the earth, including Abram and his family, was polluted and corrupted. In order to birth a new and